Tuesday, February 19, 2013


So today I came home to find my brothers girlfriend and his best friend with his girlfriend all in my kitchen. NEVER stay in a room full of couples if you are single, cause you will just get depressed. But even worse when they cuddle you just feel so out of place, I felt so awkward! Also my singleness (is that even a word) just get shoved in my face as my friend Sophie has got herself a boyfriend so now I am just all by myself :'( But it is okay cause I think I may be scared of commitment....... but hey at almost 16 I don't need to worry about that I just wanna have fun! 
Right so that was weird, but anyway, I am sooo excited for SUMMER! I know it is only february but I am literally dreaming of shorts, bikinis and beaches! I want it to be summer already! Summer is like the best time of year and here are my five reasons:
1. You can wear shorts and pretty floral patterns.
2. Its hot = tan!
3. Exams have finished so we can partttaayyyyy!
4. Longer days
And finally.........
5. Guys go around without tops on meaning we get to see some hot bodies! ( dreaming of dimitri in the summer, Rose is so lucky!)
I guess I found my think, right so I will try to do a top 5 something every time I blog and if anyone feels like giving me one to do I will do it ( as long as it is not creepy)
Finally something I left out of my last blog was the fact that I love the book Vampire Academy! It is being made into a movie which will be released next year on the 14 of february! But read the books first, cause no doubt the books will always be better! 
Okay i've got to go do homework sooo byeeeeeeeeeee xxxxx

Monday, February 18, 2013

First Blog :)

So this is the first time i've ever done anything like this, and it's probably not going to be great but oh well :) You see I can write about other people, I can even write a decent argument for English, but when it come to writing about me i'm not great. So get ready to put up with me talking about some random crap for no apparent reason.
Since this is my first blog I feel like I should tell you, the internet something about myself.........But the problem is that then some weirdo could come track me down and kill me so lets not release anything too personal :)
So if you haven't gathered already I am slightly crazy, but also I watch way too many Horror movies, which I love by the way. So there is you first fact about me :) Another is that I am currently doing my GCSE's which isn't very fun, I mean seriously don't understand the point of torturing my for 3 years in a row! Yes I will hopefully get in to Med school to become a doctor (third fact: I want to be a doctor) but seriously I think from year nine onwards we should only study the four subjects we need to get into Uni! Fact number four: I have great friends :) I seriously love them, they are so frickin' crazy but I love em'. Finally fact number 5: I have given up Meat AND chocolate for lent! I mean what was I thinking! I'm not even religious, and now i can't each like any of my favourite foods, I think I might go in to a lack of chocolate induced depression! A girl needs her chocolate!
So I think I've babbled at the internet long enough :) My blogs don't really have any sort of direction but hopefully they will soon :)
Love Maiya xx